Removing stigma around acne, one cloud at a time

Removing stigma around acne, one cloud at a time.

Common Clouds was born from a simple vision – to remove the stigma around acne.

Acne is the most common skin condition in the world. More than 85 percent of young people have experienced some degree of acne. But despite how common acne is, the connection between acne and mental health is well-established. Skin conditions like acne affect everything from self-image to social interactions. When we have acne, we tend to isolate ourselves and avoid doing things that usually make us happy – like meeting friends or going to the gym – creating a vicious cycle.

Skin constantly changes, but your worth is constant

Skin constantly changes, but your worth is constant

Loving yourself in a filtered, perfection-obsessed world is hard. We want a future where no one values themselves based on how their skin looks on any given day. Skin changes constantly – factors like hormones, stress levels, and illnesses are just a few of the things reflected in the skin’s condition – but your worth is constant. With our community, we also want you to feel less alone and wear your skin – just as it is – with pride.

Where others see pimples, we see clouds

Where others see pimples, we see clouds

In the world of Common Clouds, the cloud is a metaphor for the fleeting nature of all things. Clouds come and go – in the sky, in the mind, on the skin, and in life. Even the darkest clouds will drift away; nothing is forever.

The common ib "Common Clouds" comes from pimples and "brain clouds" being common. We want to give you hope, even when everything feels dark. Behind the clouds, there is always a blue sky.

Real skin always, retouch never

Real skin always, retouch never

We founded Common Clouds because we were so tired of filters and impossible ideals. As women, we know how fragile self-image is when we are constantly fed images of "perfection." That’s why we will never retouch skin in our photos. We love texture. Every little line and mark tell your human story.

We will also never use value-laden words like "good," "bad," or "flawless" when we talk about skin. Skin just... is. Oh, and don’t even get us started on the term "imperfections”. The whole concept of perfection is a construct, and we’re here to show the beauty of realness.

Democratic pricing – Great everyday skincare for EVERYONE

Democratic pricing – Great everyday skincare for EVERYONE

When we founded Common Clouds, it was with a vision to make effective products available for EVERYONE – regardless of wallet size. Access to good skincare and the ability to take care of your skin the right way should not be a financial issue. Two of our founders – Maria and Cajsa – have worked in the beauty industry for a long time, and we know that good skincare doesn’t have to be expensive.

Founded, owned, and operated by women

Founded, owned, and operated by women

Common Clouds was founded in 2022 by three women – Cajsa, Maria, and Helena. You can read our story HERE. We are so happy that you want to be part of our kind little skin community <3